Final eJournal Entry for EDS 103 – Theories of Learning.

And now, the end is near; and so I face the final curtain. My friend, I’ll say it clear, I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain.

The final is what I have been so excited all throughout the process. And now, I may sing Sir Frank Sinatra’s song ,“My way”, for I am indeed coming to the surreal time wherein I can see my grades and intellectual harvest after this subject.

Indeed, it was a roller coaster ride but it was definitely an adventurous and fruitful ride. I am at eased and more satisfied with my life now that I was able to complete this subject.

Hard work is a key to success in the life and makes a person feels confident and pleased. One can have a peaceful state of mind with the success and satisfaction too, can be hard task for some because I think every person does not knows the art of flying high with toes on the ground and thank God I was able to pull it all together just to be able to satisfactorily finish the modules and perceive the information thoroughly.

Success can be of different types depending upon the thinking of a person it can be financial, intellectual or artistic. Every human being is keen to reach the desired destination where he can have satisfaction and peace of mind. Slow and steady winners can have satisfaction and peaceful life over their success. But not the overnight successful person can have all the states simultaneously.

In my case, I pride this Up experience an intellectual success! I am very much humbled to be taught and shaped in our learning journey. I was so blessed to have an environment surrounded by learners who are eager and enthusiastic to be the best teacher in their own means. And with that, even-though I have not seen my grade yet, I can say that I am fully satisfied.

Finally, I will extend my gratitude to Teacher Malou, who had been so patient in guiding us all the way. Kindly receive my most genuine thanksgiving madam. It had been a fruitful journey and I will end my post with the chorus part of the song:

Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew. But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and I stood tall; And did it my way.

Happy Learning and God bless us all!

Epistemology, Teaching & Learning

Growing older and wiser as the cliché says. I must say that 3 decades journey on Earth has its own ups and down. I may sound unbelievable as well, but my UP experience may be one of the best that I have so far. I have grown to be a man who does not just get satisfied easily with the facts and information. I feel that there is extreme hunger in my vein to learn more and more. And upon learning, I get to have the evolution of information upon processing things thoroughly.

In the reading that I have in the Faculty of Hong Kong Learning Institute, it was noted that:
1.  Schommer (1990) identified 5 dimensions of epistemic beliefs which include Fixed Ability, Quick Learning, Simple Knowledge, Certain Knowledge, and Source of Knowledge with the use of a 63-item questionnaire.
2. Hofer (2000) later proposed a theoretical model that revolves only around the 4 key areas that discuss the nature of knowledge and knowing. She tested the model with questionnaire and in-depth interviews

These are developmental approaches that were discussed and these are guide towards any academic environment. As I have mentioned on my introduction, I am the kind of learner who wants to develop and improve in every aspect of the details involved.

Hence, If I get to learn, I search all throughout and I try my best to expand my horizons in the best way possible. Having that said, I will definitely have to do my very best to transfer this enthusiasm that I have to my future learners. I need to encourage them to be more enthusiastic and sensitive on the things that they have to process allowing them not just to memorize information but to thoroughly check, observe and perceive the learning for further and better application in the real world. Hence, learning can be both fun and effective!


Module 7. Successful Learning

People are attracted to teaching because they want to make a real impact. The teachers who are making the greatest difference go far beyond meeting standardized test measures. They aspire to truly level the playing field for their students, which means inspiring a love of learning, fostering the highest levels of critical thinking, building perseverance in working towards academic excellence, and so on.

The attraction that I have with the process of learning and being a channel of learning kept on growing as I go through series of learning modules. I intentionally and unintentionally tend to be motivated and demotivated by some activities that hone me to the better learner and the future educator that would be so open in any way possible just to provide an environment that is so much conducive for learning.

The topics and training of UP open university are very much vital in training me how to be motivated, so as to transfer the eagerness and enthusiasm to my future learners. Years and years may pass but the attraction that I have remain to be a flamed and even becomes stronger in a manner that I solely hope to be the educator that automatically becomes the source of motivation, inspiration and reinforcement by the students. It may be tough and the future may be uncertain, anyhow, I am certain that if I keep on going, if I keep on learning. I can be that Educator with the heart that can make a difference towards academic excellence.

Module 6. Constructivist (Experiential) Theories

Constructivism opens wide range of possibilities to a more colossal and enhanced learning and working relationship to both teachers and learners. Since Constructivist educators tend pose guide questions and problems, then guide students to help them find their own answers. They use many techniques in the teaching process like group works, group assimilation as brain storming allowing the learners to explore more on the learning process.

I think that these styles of teaching are very productive and can be very beneficial in achieving the best of the best in teaching. As for me, guiding and being guided along the way is such a wonderful experience and it would be more wonderful to practice it and share it to my future learners, I must say!

eJournal Module 5. Cognitive Theories of Learning

Throughout life, we learn.

These lessons may be formal as found in academic studies, on the job through additional training, or personal, in the pursuit of an interest or hobby. Regardless of what, where or when we choose to obtain knowledge, how we approach learning is unique to each and every one of us based on our individual learning style or styles. What is a learning style, you might ask? Well, so did I.  Life as they say is a continuous process of learning. There may be different kinds and forms of learning. These may be categorized in formal and informal learning; anyhow, they are still learning. The definition from “The Nonprofit Good Practice Guide is “Learning styles are simply different approaches or ways of learning.” (

Depending on the source, there are seven to four different styles. The website “” lists the following:
• Visual (spatial). You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding.
• Aural (auditory-musical). You prefer using sound and music.
• Verbal (linguistic). You prefer using words, both in speech and writing.
• Physical (kinesthetic). You prefer using your body, hands and sense of touch.
• Logical (mathematical). You prefer using logic, reasoning and systems.
• Social (interpersonal). You prefer to learn in groups or with other people.
• Solitary (intrapersonal). You prefer to work alone and use self-study.

As for me, I have a combination of these learning styles depending on the kind of learning involved and type of topics to be discussed. My father and my mother are my first teachers. They have taught me the vital ways of survival and practicing hard work in everyday life. These teachings were useful when I started learning in school. I had the discipline and pursuance to always go on until I achieve my goals. I have learned many learning strategies such as brainstorming, group dynamics, dramatization and many more. I was confident and I am confident along the way because of my strengthened learning behavior. Nonetheless, If I would be given the chance to take an examination that I aced and took 5 years ago, I would be honest enough to say that I might not be able to ace it again considering the 5 years that passed by. I have learned a lot from this module and I became even better as days pass by. I just love learning more and more and I am excited to learn extremely as I go along the way.

Module 4 : Social Theories of Learning

Who are the Role Models of the present generation? Who are the people that we observe and look up to? It seems as though the culture of today has the tendency to mistake who a role model is rather then what a role model should be. How, then, is a role model defined?

A role model is a person in our lives that give us inspiration, hope and keep our spirits up. Role models help us in our difficult times that we may have, by giving us words of wisdom that will help us get through our difficult times. We might wonder if we really need these role models in our lives. For instance, if we didn’t have role models in our lives would we be able to overcome our difficult times.

In the theory of Bandura, he clearly elaborated that social cognitive theory is how people learn through observing others. An example of social cognitive theory would be the students imitating the teacher. Self-efficacy is “the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the courses of action required to manage prospective situations.”

To paraphrase, self-efficacy is believing in yourself to take action. The Bobo Doll Experiment was how Albert Bandura studied aggression and non-aggression in children. Albert Bandura elaborated reciprocal determination and observation as significant factors in better responses of learners in any academic environment.

As for me, I had all my chances to see different great people for me to imitate as my role model. Nonetheless, even though I have been to different places and I have met many people whom I shared great moments with, deep inside me remains the great teachings and memories that I have cherished since I was young. The memories that I have of my parents who were working hard since I get to realize that hard work is vital in this world. My mom and my dad were my models in dedication and commitment. I clearly remember in my mind the way I observe them in all the work that they had to do just to provide the best for us. Moreover, they have been very influential in uplifting myself efficacy, they have motivated me to be always the best in every endeavor that I would come.

As would be teacher, I think that I should apply these learning in my future teaching arena so as to implicate the best reciprocal determination response for my future students. I just hope that I would have the sensitivity to thoroughly and specifically show the best learning and to clearly portray things for better observation, learning and retention of learners.

Module 3. Behaviorism

Mary Johnson-Gerard stated that Behaviorism is a theory about why people behave the way they do. It is basically concerned with observable behaviors that can be measured.

In learning, behaviorism focuses on stimuli that create a response. Behaviorism is action-oriented and does not take into account thoughts or emotions associated with a reaction or behavior because these are not observable and not measurable. Although a mature awareness of behavior in students includes non-observable variables, several teaching situations require a behaviorist approach to be effective. These approaches are vital theories and guidance for better and most developed result in any academic environment.

The classical conditioning for example, was experienced by my sister. She said that, she had a Chemistry teacher who has a very strict nature of teaching. During her chemistry class, they were conditioned that after the given time for the test, for example 30 minutes, by the time that the teacher stood up from her chair, the whole class were expected to stop and when the teacher started counting 1, the papers were passed from the last row going to the front result for all the papers to be passed and be put on the teacher’s table by the count of 5. My sister said that if one paper was late, a deduction of grade would automatically be applied that served as punishment. After my sister shared this to me, I was astounded by the fact that, conditioning may really be of help in establishing discipline to learners, nonetheless, it can also be a reason for the learners to be demotivated and more nervous if sudden strong punishment was accompanied to a classical conditioning without a thorough explanation of its premises.

As I go through the behaviorism, I realized that it is definitely useful such as the rewards and reinforcements that would lead to the supreme motivation and initiative of learners, anyhow, the other factors must be completely established and thoroughly considered to be applied in specific areas of learning.

e-Journal on (EDS 103) Module 2 THEORIES OF INTELLIGENCE

Carol Bainbridge definition of Intelligence refers to one’s cognitive abilities, which include memory, comprehension, understanding, reasoning, and abstract thought. Intelligence is not quite the same as IQ, although people use the terms interchangeably.

IQ, which stands for “Intelligence Quotient,” is a score determined by an IQ test. IQ tests are designed to measure a person’s intelligence, a general ability. Hence, this Intellectual ability is so supreme and is like a magnet that can pull up a person/learner towards the most superb status. In the academe, learners are foreseen to practice the most active state of intelligence at all times and in all aspects of learning.

Consequently, the teachers are expected to be more advance and to be more admirable in the line of intelligence and intellectual abilities. The modern age of learning is becoming more and more demanding of the intellectual aspects.

The present topics, ideas and mode of leanings are extremely advanced that superlative intellectual views become a necessity so as to achieve the best educational outputs. Hence, as a teacher, it is really significant to inculcate and motivate learners to be the best and to achieve the most supreme intellectual level that they can achieve in their life. Upon doing so, success may always be easy at hand.

e-Journal on (EDS 103) Module 1: Theories of Learning

Enhancing Learners’ Core competencies by facilitating Learning. It is indeed a general accepted notion that teachers serve as one of the most vital factor in the process of learning. Teachers with their best suited and most effective strategies may allow the learners to reach their maximum potentials by Enhancing their participation and immersion In the Learning Process. Learning by listening may be effective to some learners; nonetheless, learning by doing and with the maximum possible immersion may be seen to be more effective.

The learning strategies, intellectual differences and learning behaviors of each and every learner may vary and may affect the flow of learning, anyhow, by allowing the learners to have the immersion suited for the topic, better results may be expected.

Therefore, I am now realizing after the thorough understanding of this module, that a teacher must have the openness to ideas that will enhance the learner’s activation and development of their core competencies so as opening the keys for the widening of horizons that would lead for the generation of knowledge through and through.

I would like to learn more and develop myself to be the best in facilitating learning so as to allow my future learners to achieve their best potentials ever.